Cheez-Its are officially available in Canada! The goal of the website was to introduce the product to Canadians and deliver that message across… well, Canada. All the while also reinforcing the brand personality by showing that it has real cheese, humour wise and cheese-cheese wise. We wanted that message to come through with entertaining copy and visuals, but maybe also an easter egg or two or five to boot.
Let’s be honest, cracker sites aren’t always the most exciting. We wanted to drive exploration throughout the site using humorous copy, call to actions, and a few hidden gems. We escalated the layers of easter eggs hoping to drive users to explore the site and become more familiar with Cheez-It as a brand. From a consistent ticker announcing the brand along with some funny fake Cheez-It related news, to a cheese-wheel joke generator or maybe even some hidden ultra-zooms, we hope you have fun getting cheesy.
Mike Spilchuck Tracy Wightman Ornella Palla Morgan Kurchak Mandy Eaton Jacqueline Adediji Mary Shrestha Gord Cathmoir Jaime Sugiyama Katya Garipova Haley McOstrich Trevor Bell