Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla eu ex vitae quam molestie sollicitudin ut non odio. In ullamcorper velit ut quam rutrum, vulputate sollicitudin est iaculis. Maecenas eros eros, interdum eget mi in, malesuada volutpat magna. Etiam suscipit dui sit amet tincidunt volutpat. Vestibulum vitae velit sit amet quam imperdiet aliquet eu eget ante.
Let’s be honest, cracker sites aren’t always the most exciting. We wanted to drive exploration throughout the site using humorous copy, call to actions, and a few hidden gems. We escalated the layers of easter eggs hoping to drive users to explore the site and become more familiar with Cheez-It as a brand. From a consistent ticker announcing the brand along with some funny fake Cheez-It related news, to a cheese-wheel joke generator or maybe even some hidden ultra-zooms, we hope you have fun getting cheesy.
Mike Spilchuck Tracy Wightman Ornella Palla Morgan Kurchak Mandy Eaton Jacqueline Adediji Mary Shrestha Gord Cathmoir Jaime Sugiyama Katya Garipova Haley McOstrich Trevor Bell